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What’s YOUR Thing?

What’s YOUR Thing?

I recently spoke to a group of ladies about their unique skills and talents. When I asked them, ‘What do you usually get complimented on?’, one lady said, ‘I don’t get compliments.’

This fueled me to help other women find a way to warm themselves from within in a world that can be very cold.

There are only 4 questions I would challenge you to ask yourself in order to find your passion and define your skills and talents:

  1. What abilities and talents come naturally to me?
  2. Finish the sentence: I shine when…
  3. Finish the sentence: I keep being drawn to…
  4. What do others often say I am good at?

By creating more self-awareness around the things that you do well, you can start defining what you’re passionate about and what your purpose is.

Tracey Lange and I discussed this, listen to the full conversation here:

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